Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Edexcel Mock Biology - 2329 Words
Write your name here Surname Other names Centre Number Candidate Number Edexcel GCE Biology Advanced Subsidiary Unit 4: The Natural Environment and Species Survival Wednesday 16 June 2010 ââ¬â Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 6BI04/01 Total Marks Instructions black ink or â⬠¢ Usein the boxesball-point pen. page with your name, at the top of this â⬠¢ Fill number and candidate number. centre â⬠¢ Answer all questions. in the spaces provided the questions â⬠¢ Answermay be more space than you need. ââ¬â there Information total for â⬠¢ The marksmarkeachthis paper is 90.shown in brackets question are â⬠¢ The this asforguide as to how much time to spend on each question. ââ¬â use a an â⬠¢Ã¢â¬ ¦show more contentâ⬠¦. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Suggest three factors that could influence the rate at which a body cools after death. (3) 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monday, December 16, 2019
Story of Stuff Free Essays
The Story of Stuff is a fun, clear, lively, and timely treatment of the materials economy that shows how the real industrial economy intersects with sustainability. Although the economy appears to undermine sustainability, it works for the burgeoning global middle classes, for now, as the middle class increases consumption, the demand that elicits production. This theme is central. We will write a custom essay sample on Story of Stuff or any similar topic only for you Order Now I test marketed the book and others among students in various settings, discovering that students preferred The Story of Stuff and learned from studying the book. The core concept, the materials economy, is not a formal term derived from economic theory. The materials cycle comes close to the concept of supply chains, however. Annie may have invented the term to suit her purpose here: more trees and less stuff (read, waste). I have used the cycle process model effectively in my public policy course. View the logo and click on the ovals to see this process framework in action. The material cycle model is a comprehensible, dynamic, and flexible container. The book treats the economy as a grounded and concrete phenomenon rather than an abstract and detached set of theories. The actual economy provides the substance of ENST305, not the abstracted theories such as neoclassical economics, which will be treated immediately after The Story of Stuff, as displayed in the schedule. The strategic move, from Karl Polanyi: examine the substantive economy, not formal economic theory per se. See my overview of Karl Polanyi as social ecology. The critique of ecological economics at the macro-level, or big picture level, is squarely upon the growth in physical scale of the economy. Note that growth is distinct from development, an improvement in quality or the actualization of potential. But expansion and intrusion is what stuff is all about: stuff is tangible and physical. Note that the book does not really treat the service economy, but focuses on the world of commodities that are products (goods), not services per se. The notion of externalities, the micro-level critique of ecological economics, is central to the The Story of Stuff. See page XX. View a video that explains how even this page, located in the cloud, contributes to climate change/. Fairness is central to the book. World Sustainability, after all, must be fair. See the article recommended by Joaquin Maravillas about Ugandans being pushed off their land for the sake of environmental services. This may help in dealing with climate change but is unacceptable. This shows how commodification, even of environmental services, can lead to what David Harvey terms dispossession. I have discovered that The Story of Stuff works for students who have not yet studied economics or feel put off by economics. The book makes economics accessible but does so in the context of sustainability. Students report that they learn from the book and find the book accessible to them. This matters, a lot. Notice the chapter titles. We will discuss and contrast with the paradigm of orthodox economic theory (neoclassical economics) and also ecological economics. This gets us into the materials economy from an industrial ecology perspective. How to cite Story of Stuff, Essay examples Story of Stuff Free Essays The Story of Stuff is a fun, clear, lively, and timely treatment of the materials economy that shows how the real industrial economy intersects with sustainability. Although the economy appears to undermine sustainability, it works for the burgeoning global middle classes, for now, as the middle class increases consumption, the demand that elicits production. This theme is central. We will write a custom essay sample on Story of Stuff or any similar topic only for you Order Now I test marketed the book and others among students in various settings, discovering that students preferred The Story of Stuff and learned from studying the book. The core concept, the materials economy, is not a formal term derived from economic theory. The materials cycle comes close to the concept of supply chains, however. Annie may have invented the term to suit her purpose here: more trees and less stuff (read, waste). I have used the cycle process model effectively in my public policy course. View the logo and click on the ovals to see this process framework in action. The material cycle model is a comprehensible, dynamic, and flexible container. The book treats the economy as a grounded and concrete phenomenon rather than an abstract and detached set of theories. The actual economy provides the substance of ENST305, not the abstracted theories such as neoclassical economics, which will be treated immediately after The Story of Stuff, as displayed in the schedule. The strategic move, from Karl Polanyi: examine the substantive economy, not formal economic theory per se. See my overview of Karl Polanyi as social ecology. The critique of ecological economics at the macro-level, or big picture level, is squarely upon the growth in physical scale of the economy. Note that growth is distinct from development, an improvement in quality or the actualization of potential. But expansion and intrusion is what stuff is all about: stuff is tangible and physical. Note that the book does not really treat the service economy, but focuses on the world of commodities that are products (goods), not services per se. The notion of externalities, the micro-level critique of ecological economics, is central to the The Story of Stuff. See page XX. View a video that explains how even this page, located in the cloud, contributes to climate change/. Fairness is central to the book. World Sustainability, after all, must be fair. See the article recommended by Joaquin Maravillas about Ugandans being pushed off their land for the sake of environmental services. This may help in dealing with climate change but is unacceptable. This shows how commodification, even of environmental services, can lead to what David Harvey terms dispossession. I have discovered that The Story of Stuff works for students who have not yet studied economics or feel put off by economics. The book makes economics accessible but does so in the context of sustainability. Students report that they learn from the book and find the book accessible to them. This matters, a lot. Notice the chapter titles. We will discuss and contrast with the paradigm of orthodox economic theory (neoclassical economics) and also ecological economics. This gets us into the materials economy from an industrial ecology perspective. How to cite Story of Stuff, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
American industrial revolution Essay Example For Students
American industrial revolution Essay The growth in large-scale industry and labor unions in the second half of the nineteenth century can be explained in many ways. Unlike earlier in the century, now there were broad markets, fast expansion in good economic times, thus causing a rise in demand for more goods. Additionally, new inventions with development in big business caused large scale industrialization to become possible. Lastly, companies ability to employ mass numbers of people to work in their factories for cheap further encouraged industries growth. With companies hiring people to do hard work for cheap, labor unions form. Generally, as industries grew and grew the working conditions for the workers got worse and worse, encouraging an increase and growth of labor unions. America was a growing country. The expansion west needed industrial recourses. The railroad itself encouraged the industries of steel, coal, wood, glass and rubber. The expansion west was not the only thing that encouraged the growth of industry, good economic times and a rise in population fueled the growth of industry. People would want more stuff and houses would need to be built as well as highrise buildings in urban centers to accommodate the density of people in the cities. All these factors caused a rise in demand for industrial goods in a large market. There is more reason, though, that large-scale industries were growing. New inventions helped a great deal in making the large-scale manufacturing of industrial goods possible. The Bessemer process, for example, helped the manufacturing of steel in the steel industry, made it possible to produce large quantities of steel in a relatively short period of time. The invention of electric power by Thomas Edison allowed factory machinery to be run by electricity, cutting the cost of employing people to run the machinery while increasing the productivity of the machines. Always increasing productivity, these inventions and others like it were essential to progression of big industry. these were harnessed and effectively put into use by big businesses. Big businesses were the economic powers behind the growth of their industries. With corporations, unlike earlier, businesses could outlive their founders so that they could be allowed to thrive without having to worry and the death of the founder because with shares in the stock market, people could own parts of t he company, there was never one person who was the sole owner. Additionally, in the late nineteenth century, there werent regulations which allowed the businesses to grow in ways which it wouldnt be allowed to grow today. Often times, vertical integration allowed several types of industries to be grouped under one big company thus securing their operation.All these things helped the businesses prosper. Since the big businesses were behind the large-scale industries, the industries prospered too. Essential to the growth of large scale industry are the workers. Between 1870 and 1890, 8 million immigrants came to America for a better life, they ended up working in factories. Unlike the native workers, the immigrants were willing to work for cheap. This let the industry cut the cost of employing workers, in fact, many industries went to European sources to find workers for more cheap labor. The native Americans who, generally, were driven from the countryside got the higher paying supervisory jobs in the industries. So this pool of labor further allowed the large scale industries to grow more. The working conditions in these industries were horrible. Cutting costs in an industry was a big deal. Unfortunately, most of the time, cutting costs meant long hours for the workers, lower wages and requirements on the amount of work you do in a day which was usually too much. Because of these bad conditions labor unions were formed to protest against them, but mostly to force the companies to higher wages, lower hours or better working conditions. Since workers were essential to the operation of the industries, the labor unions often organized strikes to demand change in wage, hours etc In 1877 when wages for the workers in the Baltimore and Ohio railroad were cut by 20% there was the first nationwide strike that set the path for an era of confrontation between labor unions and management. Often, federal troops and state militia intervened because the strikes got violent and the movement collapsed but sometimes strikes were successful. .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 , .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .postImageUrl , .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 , .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:hover , .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:visited , .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:active { border:0!important; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:active , .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717 .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9fd10b445d9a8bb6b83d8682a073a717:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: New Deal Essay PaperThe industrial revolution between 1865 and 1900 set a period of economic growth. The success of this industrial growth was due to a combination of contributing factors. A rise in demand for industrial goods along with growth in big business were the essential things in causing the growth of large-scale industry. Additionally new inventions that helped the manufacturing of these goods and cheap labor encouraged further this growth. In the big picture, this industrialization of the country fueled the growth of it in area, in population and finally, in economy. Bibliography:
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Swedish Pronoun free essay sample
Gender roles and stereotypes are obviously a part of todayââ¬â¢s society, all around the world. However, some appreciate them more than others, and how these facts will develop in the future is something only time can tell. In Sweden, the debate of equal rights between sexes is a part of the political agenda and the politics of equality was provided with 1. 5 billion Swedish kronor between the years of 2007 and 2010. Nevertheless, voices have been raised for the cause of accusing the government for not doing enough. [2] During the spring of 2012, a vivid debate took place in the Swedish media regarding the gender-neutral pronoun ââ¬Å"henâ⬠(which is structured as a combination between the Swedish words for she and he). The pronoun has been used for decades within Swedish feministic networks. For this reason, it is interesting examining why hen is as provoking as it seems to be and how it is illuminating the fact and question about mankind: are there humans or sexes? Background According to Goteborgs-Posten, the second largest daily newspaper in Sweden, the debate regarding ââ¬Å"henâ⬠snowballed when the childrenââ¬â¢s book Kivi and Monsterhund (Kivi and Monsterdog) was published in January 2012. We will write a custom essay sample on The Swedish Pronoun or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page [3] The genders of the characters in the book were intentionally chosen not being displayed and the author Jesper Lundquist has commented on the making of the book as both creative and enjoyable because of the decision to exclude stereotypes. Due to, the criticism and the discontent conveyed about hen, have numerous times referred to the improperness of the childrenââ¬â¢s book mentioned above. For one thing, many critics are afraid the children can be confused by the message being sent. However, the pronoun was included in the online version of the Swedish National Encyclopedia in 2009 and was introduced by Swedish linguists during the 1960ââ¬â¢s. The linguist Hans Karlgren reintroduced it in 1994. [4] The meaning of hen is described as a suggested gender-neutral personal pronoun, used instead of he or she in the National Encyclopedia. Furthermore, androgynous alternatives for third-person pronouns exist all over the world; Chinese, Armenian, Finnish and Persian are examples of languages, which contain gender-neutral pronouns. Several pronouns have been introduced to the English language during the last decade. Among them are: thon, ip, sim, e, ey, eir, em and se (all created by Americans). [5] Also, there is one presented by Joel Weiss from Illinois, who combined the words he, she and it and the word horshit was introduced. In spite of these examples, the English language has hardly something corresponding to hen. Thesis statement â⬠¢ Why is there a need for the Swedish gender-neutral pronoun ââ¬Å"henâ⬠? Method Because of the fact that the debate, which the thesis statement is about, has primarily occurred in the media my main choice of sources are old articles. To find the widest spectra of ideas and opinions possible, the collection of sources was found on blogs and in media with a wide political diversity. Regarding texts in English, the varieties of political positions were difficult finding. Mainly, the texts were politically far right and published on, consistent with me personally, strongly conservative webpages. At the same time, the articles and entries were in general without any constructive criticism. Instead, the texts were explaining facts in a condemnatory tone with a predefined idea of Socialism and Sweden. By analysing and comparing several different texts, the facts and ideas were able to complement each other very well in the result. Obviously, the most important facts to be presented are those which, can answer the thesis statement. For this reason, it was prioritized to find several kinds of needs for the pronoun. Additionally, an episode of the television show Debatt, a Swedish debate program, was used as source material. Naturally, it contained a short debate about both the childrenââ¬â¢s book written by Jesper Lundquist and the usage of hen. This was indeed an important source because several kinds of opinions were displayed and together they created a dynamic and constructive discussion. Results During a discussion in the Swedish television program Debatt (Debate) about hen and the book Kivi och Monsterhund, a transsexual person described her view on genders by saying ââ¬Å"There are not enough genders. Instead, there are two islands, one called women and one called men but we are many who are swimming in the ocean between. In addition, Dominika Peczynski, who is critical to the gender-neutral pronoun, is then responding with a rhetorical question: ââ¬Å"But then, could it not be sufficient if only ââ¬Ëthe people swimming in the middle of it allââ¬â¢ would be called hen? â⬠The Social Democrat Ylva Johansson is the spokesperson for gender equality questions. [7] Johansson has commented on the debate about hen by criticising the views of the minister of equality questions, Nyamko Sabuni. Sabuni has stated her hopes about hen being ââ¬Å"a new fresh concept to accomplish equalityâ⬠. In contrast, Ylva Johansson emphasises the importance of political initiatives and legislation. Furthermore, Johansson clarifies that she does not object to the pronoun itself but she would be cautious against putting a too great value in a word. ââ¬Å"It is worrying if we have a minister who believes that only a word can change womens wages, employment conditions, / /and the withdrawal of the parental insuranceâ⬠. Besides reviews in the newspapers, interviews have been published, including parents who have decided not to reveal the sex of their baby, connected to the pronoun debate. To sum up the most discussed one, published by Dagens Nyheter, the parents are explaining how they are raising their children gender-neutrally to avoid the restrainments that the children otherwise jeopardise to be faced with in the society, based on their gender. Regarding the foreign media interest, there is mostly sharp criticism directed to ââ¬Å"this far-left attempt to reduce genderâ⬠. [9] For example, an article written by the journalist Nathalie Rotschild firstly criticises the Swedish idea of the society and government are tolerating the fact that there are no social differences between men and women. Owing to this idea, the writer both concludes and criticises it, by explaining how radical it is for a society to accept people who do not identify themselves as a certain gender and to allow them to marry each other. Consequently, Rothschild writes: ââ¬Å"But thatââ¬â¢s the least radical part of the project. What many gender-neutral activists are after is a society that entirely erases traditional gender roles and stereotypes at even the most mundane levels. â⬠Concerning hen, the journalist mentions Hans Karlgrens idea of the pronoun being appropriate for practical reasons. Overall, a word that according to Karlgren enables dialogues to proceed without the need to specify genders of the people concerned. Consequently, Rothschild contrasts this fact with the impression of the proponents of hen having a ââ¬Å"typical political agendaâ⬠. The author of the blog Forskarfeministen (The Scientistfeminist) has written an entry in which gender-neutral language was discussed and a statement of hers or his was explained. In order to avoid the risk of moving focus from the actual message, to the stylistics, the writer of the blog do not use hen, among other examples. 10] In an article published in Dagens Nyheter, Kia, a transgender person, is being interviewed. Kia neither wants to be he or she, ââ¬Å"hen wants to be henâ⬠. Furthermore, Kia explains about the difficulties being ââ¬Å"a henâ⬠and how there everyday is a battle for the right to exist. ââ¬Å"I have always told people at my workplaces about myself. I say that ââ¬Ëif you like me and want to respect me then call me henââ¬â¢. It feels extremely strenuous when people more or less unconsciously chooses not to use the word. It sends out a sort of signals that what I am feelin, the way I am dentifying myself is not valid. It is a way of rejecting my existence. â⬠The publication of the childrenââ¬â¢s book Kivi och Monsterhund was commented on by the publisher Olikas: ââ¬Å"We consider hen as a complement to he or she, and as a another possibility to allow us being individuals, rather than gender. Analysis Firstly, it is interesting analysing the function of hen according to different view. Judging by the comments made by people whom themselves are consideri ng hen suitable for their own identity; the establishment of hen is necessary. It is enough if a few people are feeling the need of a third personal pronoun, which they can identify with, to implement it in the language. Clearly, there is a linguistic need for expressing a human being without mentioning its gender. Not only for transsexuals, intersexuals and intergender as Kia finds herself being, but also for people who feel more comfortable being appreciated for their personality rather than their gender. However, for the sake of gender equality in the society, language and expressions do not solve the challenges regarding that development, as was mentioned by Ylva Johansson. Instead, maybe the attention that the practise of hen was given this spring can enlighten citizens of Sweden about the influence of gender in the society. Consequently, understand how the identity of other people is getting affected by the, partly, unconscious collective intolerance of sexual deviations. Introducing a word with the intention of removing focus from the word it is replacing is a long-term project. The stylistic purpose can easily be lost when conveying a story for a person who is not familiar with the alternative pronoun. In order to persuade a person to disregard sex and gender, the interest itself has to be eliminated. Offering a linguistic alternative could perhaps enable a less stereotypical conception, at least in the public space. It is simply not the case that hen is a pronoun which will erase or compete with the already established personal pronouns she and he. On the contrary, hen could improve the conception of sexual identity as well as gender stereotypes by giving the speaker or writer that option. In the reality, women and men are naturally more than their physical appearance and the generalistic social norms often casted in. Personally, ââ¬Å"swimmers in between the two islands of genderâ⬠are regarded as the norm since being a gender, strangely enough, is involuntary. Thus, the gender of someone is socially forced upon and difficult questioning. Conclusion The Swedish gender neutral pronoun hen was discussed in the Swedish media during the spring of 2012. Mainly, a childrenââ¬â¢s book named ââ¬Å"Kivi and Monsterdogâ⬠figurated as the most important factor for the start of the debate. For example, hen is a linguistic alternative linguistic alernative to illustrate a person without mentioning her or his gender. Additonally, there are people who do not identify with either men or women and are prefering to be called hen. Hence, the debate about hen is a question about their right to identify, not to intrude on someone elses integrity. The debate would be futile if the spectra of topics within the subject was not embraced, such as the tolerance for the transgender identity for instance.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Essays
Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Essays Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Paper Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Paper Practical Experiment Report 11-11-2013 Introduction This experiment was designed to investigate and compare the rates at which different aspirin tablets dissolve in both Water (H20 [representing saliva]) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCI [representing the stomachs acid]). The amount of Water and Hydrochloric Acid will be kept constant between tablets, and tests. Aim To investigate and compare the rates at which different Aspirin Tablets dissolve. The different kinds of Aspirin tablets are: Enteric Coated Tablets Capsules Regular Tablets Dissolving Tablets. Each tablet will be dissolves in both Water and Hydrochloric Acid (representing saliva and stomach acid respectively). Hypothesis The Enteric Coated tablet will remain undissolved in both water and Hydrochloric Acid as the coating is designed to remain undissolved until reaching the small intestine. The dissolving tablet will dissolve the fastest in both water and Hydrochloric Acid as this tablet is designed to quickly dissolve in liquid. The capsule will soften but not completely dissolve in the water, however will dissolve in the Hydrochloric Acid. The Tablet will slowly dissolve in water, however more rapidly in Hydrochloric Acid however loosely comparable to the dissolving tablet. Equipment Water 2M Hydrochloric Acid Test Tubes or Beakers Stopwatch 2 x Aspirin Enteric Coated Tablets 2 x Aspirin Capsule 2 x Regular Aspirin Tablets 2 x Dissolving Aspirin Tablets Safety Glasse (Recommended) Gloves for handling Hydrochloric Acid Safety Precautions 2M Hydrochloric Acid will burn both skin and clothing Always wear eye protection while handling Hydrochloric Acid Avoid contact with Hydrochloric Acid. If in contact with skin, rinse off with copious amounts water (Recommended) Wear Gloves while handling Hydrochloric Acid 1. Collect equipment mL of Water and Hydrochloric Acid into separate beakers or test tubes 3. 2. pour Add a single type of tablet to each beaker or test tube and start stopwatch 4. Record changes in liquid throughout the dissolving process (opacity, colour, bubbles or fizzing) and record total time taken to dissolve tablet 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each kind of tablet. Results Tablet Changes Observed Time Taken to Dissolve (seconds) Hydrochloric Acid Enteric Coated Tablet Regular Tablet Dissolving Tablet Capsule Discussion Discussion of the results How this experiment could be made to relate more to the human body
Friday, November 22, 2019
Story vs. Plot Definitive Differences Between Them - Freewrite Store
Story vs. Plot Definitive Differences Between Them - Freewrite Store Todayââ¬â¢s guest post is by Jackie Dever, associate editor atà Aionios Books, a small traditional-model publisher based in Southern California. à One afternoon a few years back, as I was rowing merrily down my stream of consciousness, a big olââ¬â¢ rock appeared through the mist, rearing up so fast there wasnââ¬â¢t time to navigate around. My paper boat crashed and crumpled, leaving the SS Plotin a disintegrating, broken mess on the Great Story River. In this personal test of story vs plot, the latter came out a wreck. Even as the events leading to the storyââ¬â¢s conclusion continued to flow past that damned rock, my unstable craft just couldnââ¬â¢t get around the monolith. Reckoning with the nature of imagination can be intimidating. But half the battle is understanding the elements. Arenââ¬â¢t story and plot synonymous, though? Canââ¬â¢t we count on those items for automatic symbiosis, happily married in a thrilling rush of prose? Wellâ⬠¦nope. Whatââ¬â¢s the Difference Between Story and Plot? A story is the requisite timeline of events present in any narrative. No story? No novel. Because any novel, however abstract must report events of some kind. A plot expresses rationale and informs the reader why a specific list of events belongs together, what the timeline is ultimately meant to communicate. The classic example by E. M. Forster in his collected lectures, Aspects of the Novel, still says it best: ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËThe king died and then the queen diedââ¬â¢ is a story. ââ¬ËThe king died, and then the queen died of griefââ¬â¢ is a plot.â⬠When reading a story, Forster explains, we wonder ââ¬Å"and then?â⬠When evaluating a plot, we ask ââ¬Å"why?â⬠(PaweÃ
â Furman) These questions sometimes fire up in the same breath, so understanding their separate sources is tricky. But as naturally as the components may appear to support each other, itââ¬â¢s really an authorââ¬â¢s skill that makes them seem that way. Which means that whenever I or you or Stephen King sit down to write, weââ¬â¢ve got to manage both. Weââ¬â¢ve got to keep readers engrossed in a pattern of wonderful wondering about what next? and why? for as long as we want their attention. How Plot Supports Story Nobody wants to keep asking infinitely ââ¬Å"and then? And then? Annnnd thennn?â⬠Weââ¬â¢re nosy creatures; we need to know why. Unfortunately, when plot is missing from or accidentally discordant to story, the real question on a readerââ¬â¢s mind is ââ¬Å"huh?â⬠Plot delivers the nifty tricks that reassure us thereââ¬â¢s a point to storytelling. Plot sets up the cause and effect that gives readers a sense of rightness in the storyââ¬â¢s conclusion. The same story can be plotted in multiple ways: The king died, and then the queen died avenging him in battle. The king died, and then the queen died from the communicable disease he had spread to her when he spoke his final words close to her face. The king died, and then the queen, eager to free the lover whom the king had jealously locked in the dungeon, slipped on an icy cobblestone and died. à How Where You Begin Helps Determine Where Youââ¬â¢ll End Up On each new fiction project, I draw broad inspiration from either a story-focused or a plot-focused angle. Both starting points have their benefits and their challenges. Starting with Story When a story inspires me, I formulate a series of events that leads to a fixed conclusion. I may not know precisely my charactersââ¬â¢ motivations or the logic in their decisions, but I can envision the stops theyââ¬â¢ll make along their trip. In other words, Iââ¬â¢ll know that the queenââ¬â¢s death follows the kingââ¬â¢s. The relationship between the events? To be determined. It can be a big relief to sort story out first. When I have the comfort of parameters, I can train myself to a tangible goal. And I enjoy the intellectual exercise of connecting events in a believable sequence. Still, thereââ¬â¢s always a catch.à Even with an endpoint clear to me, I need strong supporting evidence (i.e., an effective plot) to justify my events. A few years ago, I decided to write a story about a man who sells a cottage on the beach for the sum of one penny. I savored each of the scenes I created, but in the end, I had only a weakly conceived fairy tale. The imaginative verve delighted me, but no matter how I maneuvered, I was unable to match the plot to the currents of the story. Wipeout. Starting with Plot When a plot stirs my creative juices, I know charactersââ¬â¢ feelings and intentions. I take on my writing like a righteous but undirected college kid- searching, motivated, assured of core values and reasons, but clueless as to where the hell Iââ¬â¢m going to end up. Iââ¬â¢m less concerned, in fact, with where I end up than with why I end up there, so the itinerary is subject to change. Not all who wander are lost. I enjoy making narrative progress along such an organic route. Plotting my way into a story lets me be guided by emotional responses, not by a sightseerââ¬â¢s list of stops. I careen over waterfalls on the strength of my anger, hilarity, or wild joy. And when that passionate feeling is synchronized with the story, I praise my muses and trust the currents. But when I let emotional connections alone be my guide, I begin to wish Iââ¬â¢d made some reservations or at least studied the map before heading out. It always sounds noble to speed off for adventure, rely on instincts to take me where I need to be. The reality hits only once Iââ¬â¢m shivering in the rain and have no idea where I can pull ashore for the evening. Although too much predictability is stifling, itââ¬â¢s frustrating to lose my mental compass entirely. Thereââ¬â¢s No Wrong Way to Start Itââ¬â¢s hard to classify any real-life creative burst quite as strictly as Iââ¬â¢ve done above. Flashes ofà both elements are usually blended in that aha! moment. But understanding the elements of each- and how they affect the writing process- is always what prepares me for the excursion ahead. Will I need to focus extensively on my charactersââ¬â¢ whys and wherefores to guide my plot? Or will I do better to ensure that their motivations can be satisfied by the events I allow them to experience? We all write differently. As we commit to our writing practice, patterns emerge in our process and style. I happen to be a story-focused writer. Moving the plot from one moment to the next, validating my story with a logical core, is my primary struggle. (Toa Heftiba) Whatever our personal tendencies, though, recognizingà the connected-yet-distinctive elements reminds us all that we can, if necessary, experiment. You may attempt to match several stories with an intriguing plot before everything falls in place. Or you may decide to remain patient with a great story whose plot lacks the sturdiness to carry you through, search the banks of the river for a new entry point, a more fitting course. Itââ¬â¢s okay to take apart and rearrange, to radically transplant ideas. That constant reconfiguration is the source of diverse and sparkling literature, even as the same themes repeat themselves through the ages. The love and the death, the surprise, the resignation, the magic. None of these will ever grow trite when thereââ¬â¢s such a big world to experience and so many ways to communicate the timeless ideas. Iââ¬â¢ll approach the many crisscrossed rivers of my fiction from a thousand angles, strapping on mechanical wings for an aerial perspective or poking down a parallel back road in a coughing Model T. Wherever (and however) we roam, may we all learn to appreciate the view. à We'd love to hear yourà thoughts of the differences in the comments!à à Jackie Dever is an editor and writer in Southern California. She has edited blogs, corporate materials, academic texts, novels, and biographies. She is an associate editor atà Aionios Books, a small traditional-model publisher based in Southern California. She recently finished proofreading the 2017 San Diego Book Awardââ¬âwinning memoirà A Few Minor Adjustmentsà (September 2017) by Cherie Kephart. She blogs about writing and publishing, millennial lifestyle trends, and outdoor sports.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
BUSN300 Unit 5 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BUSN300 Unit 5 IP - Research Paper Example It has factories that spread over six continentsà dealingà with the production of automobiles Toyota Business Environment Every organization, regardless of the business they are doing, is exposed to a lot of factors that has an effect on the performance of a company and also the strategies and decision making of an organization. It is therefore important for companies to be informed about these factors since they can have an influence on the plans and strategies of a company Challenges faced by Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation being an international company faces a lot of legal and business challenges that have affected the strategies, plans and decisions of the organization and also the entire automobile industry. Some of the challenges include: The products of Toyota company are found everywhere in the world and the company supplies its automobiles to various countries globally. Competition is none of the greatest challenge the company has to deal with since th e company is operating in a competitive environment. Factors like the features and quality of the product, research and development time, safety, reliability, pricing, customer service, pricing terms and fuel economy. The company has been offering world class products which have made it to be a leader in the market and its products are facing steep competition. Nevertheless, the company has been leading on the market which led to the company being awarded as the number one company in sales of automobiles. The company was affected by the economic crisis that was experienced in 2008 in the US. Since the company is the leading manufacturer of the automobile, its turnover of over $17 billion was shaken due to this economic downturn. This was attributed to the fall of consumer spending that affected many households. The company was able to survive the economic turmoil since it had other services like biotechnology and other financial services. Furthermore, the company had to let off some temporary workers and also had to reduce car production of automobiles Toyota Company had to recall over 14 million Lexus and CamrySolara models of vehicles which had an acceleration problem. This problem was traced to the vehicle accelerating itself while driving at a low speed. This has increased the number of accidents that have been experienced all over the world. The company was forced to respond to questions that were asked by the customers about the quality of the products. Despite the challenges faced by the company, the management of the company has focused their attention on solving problems and service delivery to the customers. The company had to use the SWOT analysis so as to understand the business Strengths The company has a global production plant in six continents. The company has the capacity to produce the best services as compared to other competitors. The greatest strength of the company is the manufacturing of quality products to the customers. Though some peo pleà areà not be in a position to buy the automobiles of the company, the company still has a growth in its sale due to the production of quality and reliable products. This allows the company to serve both private and commercial organizations therefore dominating in all sectors f the market Weaknesses The company is only focusing on big economies and forgets emerging economies. Opportunities Presence of new technology has facilitated the company in producing Eco-friendly automobiles. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Corrosion Phenomena Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Corrosion Phenomena - Research Paper Example Thus, the definition notes that the process causes metals to exhibit natural tendencies of reverting back to native combined states as minerals such as carbonates, sulfides, and oxides. Akhtar, Arif and Quraishi cite platinum and gold as the only ones that naturally exist as metals and would therefore not be susceptible to corrosion in normal atmospheric conditions, as such referred to as noble metals. Even though the term could be applied when referring to concrete, plastic, and wood, it has found general application when referring to metal and particularly iron as steel.Metals would be susceptible to corrosion under different environmental conditions. For example, gold which exhibits resistance under atmospheric conditions would be corroded under ambient temperature and exposure to mercury. Iron, on the other hand, would gradually rust under atmospheric conditions but remains unaffected by mercury. Sivasankar documents the joint action of oxygen and moisture as constituting the nor mal atmospheric conditions. The scholar observes that steel in ice would not rust as water should be in liquid form for corrosion to occur. Common pollutants like dust particles, soot, and ammonium sulfate particles and acidic gases like sulfur dioxide propagate the corrosiveness of the environment. Cicek and Al-Numan cite other typical environments considered to be corrosive and include soils, alkalies, acids, hydrogen sulfide, fuel gases, ammonia, fresh, salt, distilled and marine water and oxides of nitrogen.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street Essay Example for Free
Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street Essay In the short story The House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros unfolds her childhood memories where she and her family struggled with poor living conditions on the way to their own house, and she seems to suffer from it more than anyone of the family. When one day they finally get the house of their own and her family seems to be ready to settle with it, she continues suffering because its not the house wed thought wed get (501), the one she imagined and built up in her dreams. At that point Cisneros obtains her dream to be fulfilled: she decides that whatever happens, she must have the house of her dream. This difference between her dream and reality is quite obvious and seems to upset her a lot; however, the impact of it is tremendous because it caused her to obtain the energy necessary for a dreams fulfillment. During the narration, Cisneros specifies the features of the house of her dream. It has to be not just her own place to live, but also a place that she could be proud of. She describes her dream house as one I could point to; inside it would have real stairs, not a hallway stairs, but stairs inside like the houses on TV (501); it would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. Even though these features are not necessities for living, the authors own dream becomes her necessity to be fulfilled. However, while living with her parents she understands that here her dream is not going to come true. The authors present house contrasts with the house of her dream: Its small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small youd think they are holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in.(Cisneros 502). And this evokes a feeling of shame for her house, which is familiar to her since the last place they lived at. This huge inequality between the authors dream and reality, just like a difference in potential generates a driving force, gives her energies to dream and to be sure that shell fulfill her wish. Sandra Cisneros experienced what not having her own place is like, moving all the time and being ashamed of her living conditions; that helped her to build a dream, toà know exactly what she wants from life, and gave a will to pursue her goal. She says, I knew then I had to have a house. A real house.(Cisneros 502). Our dreams are often formed by childhood experiences; once we collide with harsh reality, feel awkward or ashamed- we know for sure for ourselves: when I grow up, Ill do everything for this not to happen. And this gives us energy to achieve success. Works Cited: Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. 40 Short Stories. Ed. Beverly Lawn. New York: Bedford, 2001
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Changes Resulting from The Renaissance :: European Renaissance Essays
The Renaissance The Renaissance was a period of European history, considered by modern scholars as that between 1300 and 1600. Many dramatic changes happened during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period of new inventions and beliefs. The Renaissance was drastically different from the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages the church held most of the power and its economy were agriculturally based. Exploration and learning was almost put to a stop. During the Renaissance society was transformed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, people's curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to venture out and explore. New schools and colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice. Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend money on different things, such as painting, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was subjects concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and mathematics were also studied as well. The Renaissance gave way to new forms of painting, art and sculpture. During the Renaissance, artist were no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they had been to the medieval past, but for the first time emerged as independent personalities, compared to poets and writers. Many artisans merged mathematics with art, in order to become more precise in their measurements and to make sure an object was supported both rationally and proportionally. As a result painters tried and often succeeded into making their painting a window into the world. Artists also studied the way light hits objects and the way our eyes perceive light. A new kind of paint called oil paint was used. This allowed the artist to create texture, mix colors, and allow more time for corrections before it dried. The printing press was probably the most important advance in technology. Europeans first used movable metal type to print a book. On small pieces of metal they engraved single letters of the alphabet. These could then be arranged and rearranged to form words and sentences. Changes Resulting from The Renaissance :: European Renaissance Essays The Renaissance The Renaissance was a period of European history, considered by modern scholars as that between 1300 and 1600. Many dramatic changes happened during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period of new inventions and beliefs. The Renaissance was drastically different from the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages the church held most of the power and its economy were agriculturally based. Exploration and learning was almost put to a stop. During the Renaissance society was transformed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, people's curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to venture out and explore. New schools and colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice. Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend money on different things, such as painting, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was subjects concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and mathematics were also studied as well. The Renaissance gave way to new forms of painting, art and sculpture. During the Renaissance, artist were no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they had been to the medieval past, but for the first time emerged as independent personalities, compared to poets and writers. Many artisans merged mathematics with art, in order to become more precise in their measurements and to make sure an object was supported both rationally and proportionally. As a result painters tried and often succeeded into making their painting a window into the world. Artists also studied the way light hits objects and the way our eyes perceive light. A new kind of paint called oil paint was used. This allowed the artist to create texture, mix colors, and allow more time for corrections before it dried. The printing press was probably the most important advance in technology. Europeans first used movable metal type to print a book. On small pieces of metal they engraved single letters of the alphabet. These could then be arranged and rearranged to form words and sentences.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Formal Education Vs. Informal Education Essay
Are you or your child receiving an education that fits your element? If not then when would now be a good time to look into that? Adults and children today or mostly unaware of how education is being presented do to the fact that they are only aware of one type of education. Of course most of us all are all born and raised on the ââ¬Å"ladder systemâ⬠which is another way of saying formal education, but many people donââ¬â¢t realize that there is an abundance in different types of education. We have all heard of private schools and charter schools, but those are just schools not education. Yes they are education to a degree but there are only two types of education, and they are frequently fought and argued about which one is better. Those two types of education are formal education and informal education. In todays society people are built mainly on morals and beliefs that are passed down through the government and high end white collard business men. Unfortunately people are becoming more and more unaware of informal education. Informal education is better than formal education do to the constant environment change and open curriculum that a education lacks. Informal education is better and should be blended in with formal education to get a real world experience. The year two thousand and thirteen today we thought to have evolved in our educational practices. Even now people are becoming more intelligent in formal education through the years that the ââ¬Å"ladder systemâ⬠was introduced. Unfortunately though with that we also have been developing lower and lower common sense. That is mainly to do with formal education. Many people ask what is formal education? Formal education is education presented in a prestiges matter in which there are different levels completed. The levels being Elementary school, Middle School, High School, and finally college. Seeing that there are different levels to be completed makes a more focused approach on education which in the long run will increase your intelligence, do to wanting to complete the final task which is college. Even by doing this many people blindly rush into college only forgetting what they have learned in middle school and even high school. Formal education is also very narrow and not open in many other experiences. Formal education schools are often decided what to teach based on what the state wants. With most of the formal educations power going to the government and states. That leads formal educated schools to having a very closed curriculum and not being able to learn outside the box or have any other experiences. With formal education being a ladder system and a narrow curriculum, you can see that in terms of college expectations you are intelligent, but in realistic experiences you are not. Now what is Informal Education. Let me share an idea with you before i tell you. You probably know what a formal event is right? You wear a formal garment such as a suit or a dress and you go to a very on point social event, butà whatever when you are not dressed formally? You tend to have more creative freedom and you start to be educated on different types of apparel. Informal education the informal clothes appose to formal clothes such as a dress or suit. In the world of informal education there is no Ladder system. It is in short basic education but in a progressive form. And with being no ladder system the states are not involved with the curriculum which means you get to learn outside the box and experience far more than formal education could ever teach you. Many people argue which is better when most people really lean more towards formal education, but really for an educational stand point informal education is better. There are many factors to bring into play when explaining the reason informal education is better than formal education. First let me explain environmental reasons to this. Looking at formal education you see that every day you are in the same blocks of classes and you are constantly surrounded by the same people. With that you are not really experiencing different types of people because you are built upon having the same people through out the schoolà year. You are not exposed to different personalities or characteristics do to people adapting to your own and becoming more like you. Informal education on the other hand you are exposed to the same class room, but there are usually different people in your class daily, and frequently even different teachers. With that your are not adapting to certain personalities but you are adapting to a realistic way of life which is being surrounded constantly with different people. Another thing argued strongly is the experience range. Formal education gives you a very narrow curriculum not allowing you to experience other things that are more valuable outside of school. Most of the things in formal educated school apply only to school and not in the real world although english, science and some math is an exception. Informal education allows you to see many different prospectives on certain subjects and you really get to experience a lot more than what the state narrows it down too. Experience such as different people usually everyday, different subjects everyday and when a subject is ever retaught, it is taught by a different teaching making a different point ofà understanding. The education in an informal school is usually basic things that you would learn in middle school, but going more into formal education it starts to be applied to many different areas in a real world circumstance, and applied several different ways. In a formal education school you are taught more advanced things that help develop the brain, but has no use in the outside world. In todays formal educated schools we are all taught that knowledge is power but that is really an understatement. What use do you have of acquired knowledge if you donââ¬â¢t even know how to apply it in a real world circumstance? Point proven. Formal educated schools today are focused to much upon how to help you get to the next step of the ladder rather than helping you understand the use of the information provided. While formal education has a great affect on the brain development wise, it lacks many uses outside of its buildings. In formal education on the other has many experiences that are less advanced and may not enhance or develop the brain much. But if knowing how to use one piece of great information acquired and it making you become very successful. Then all the other information obtained that had no transformational value was just a waist of time. Even today many people see education beyond high school as a waist of time, and the ones that adore formal education argue greatly on the belief. The biggest thing that affects people differently in formal or informal schools is the mindset that is carried through out the course. When begging a regular ladder system school which starts at elementary school we are all familiar with the different cards used to display behavior status. The blue card representing excellent behavior. The green card representing good behavior. The yellow card representing behavior that needs attention, and finally the red card representing bad behavior. What people do not know is the physiological effects that the cards hold towards the child. When growing up we are all taught right from wrong, but it is now human nature to focus only on the problems. With that said many times in elementary school kids are often punished more than rewarded, and many times barely acknowledged for the good they have done. When still developing at a young age there brains start adapting and internalizing what they are surrounded by. Many times do kids get yelled at for there miss behavior and even punished frequently. And not so often do the kids get praisedà with the same amount of energy they were being punished for. With so little energy going towards the good and rewarding, and so much going towards punishing there starts to become an imbalance of emotions. In the long term the students feel like they are useless and not worthy enough for whats to come. With that they start growing up with these feelings and in the long run do not have the emotional uplift to conquer any dreams or goals. While during informal education every student is treated equally and is not so much punished as they are rewarded. This in the long run carries the opposite effect than in formal education.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Healthcare Professional Career: Licensed Vocational Nurse
A Licensed Vocational Nurse carries out the following: First of all, an LVN takes care of the individuals who are suffering from injuries, sicknesses, disabilities, and even those who are on their way to recovery (US.., 2006).They do the aforementioned though based on the physiciansââ¬â¢, as well as, registered nursesââ¬â¢ instructions (US.., 2006). Secondly, they are responsible for checking the patientââ¬â¢s blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and other vital signs (US.., 2006). Third, it is also an LVNââ¬â¢s responsibility to change wound dressings, check catheters, manage bedsores, provides alcohol massages, as well as, to inject patients (US.., 2006). Fourth, an LVN is also accountable for a patientââ¬â¢s allergic reactions to any medication or treatment provided for by the health care institution (US.., 2006). Fifth, it is an LVNââ¬â¢s task to carry out laboratory tests or gather samples for testing, feed patients, and note down the intake of food and fluid, as well as, the number of times the patientââ¬â¢s urinated and defecated (US.., 2006).à Sixth, it is the LVNââ¬â¢s function to oversee the patientââ¬â¢s personal hygiene as well (US.., 2006). The LVN ought to help out a patient when taking a bath, dressing up, etc (US.., 2006). Seventh, LVNââ¬â¢s oversee patients who are about to take in prescribed medicines or intravenous fluids, however, this is only a function of LVNs in selected States where it is permissible to do so (US.., 2006). Eighth, they also provide assistance in the delivery, as well as, feeding of babies (US.., 2006). Ninth, LVNs can take charge and direct nursing assistants and aides but such task is only delegated to those LVNs who are considered to be experienced (US.., 2006). Tenth, LVNs are also in charge of assessment of needs of the patients, development of care plans, supervision of nursing aides, organization of patientsââ¬â¢ records, setting of appointments, and other responsibilities which are categorically clerical (US.., 2006). Personal Qualities and Abilities Needed for Success An LVN who intends to become successful should have the following personal qualities and abilities: 1) exceedingly caring; 2) extremely sympathetic; 3) emotionally stable; 4) can keep up with continuous stress; 5) enthusiastic; 6) very devoted; 7) decision-making skills; 8) good communication skills; 9) flexibility in taking orders of supervisors; 10) positive outlook in life; 11) extreme patience; 12) etc à (US.., 2006). Educational Requirements An LVN is necessitated to accomplish a practical nursing program from any State-approved learning institution (US.., 2006). A future LVN should pass the following subjects: anatomy, basic nursing concepts, drug administration, medical nursing, nutrition, obstetrics, pediatrics, physiology, psychiatric, surgical nursing, etc (US.., 2006). A soon-to-be LVN should also undergo a clinical practice in the hospital or any other health care institution (US.., 2006). It should be kept in mind that such clinical practice should be supervised (US.., 2006). Also, it should be noted that typically, a high school diploma is asked for before admission to the program aforementioned (US.., 2006). Licensure, Certification and/ or Requirements The following are the requirements necessitated for LVNs to qualify from the licensing exam technically referred to as NCLEX-ON (US.., 2006). Possible Places of Employment There are vacancies for LVNs in the following: 1) hospitals; 2) nursing homes; 3) offices of doctors; 4) home health care services; 5) homes for the aged/elderly; 6) educational services or institutions; 7) outpatient care health institutions; 8) Federal agencies; and 9) state agencies (US.., 2006). Advancement Opportunities LVNs have a lot of advancement opportunities and some of these are the following: 1) LVNs can supervise nursing aides and even other LVNs (US.., 2006). This is especially allowed in nursing homes/nursing care facilities (US.., 2006). 2) LVNs can undergo training programs to promote himself or herself and become a Registered Nurse (US.., 2006). Wages, Benefits, Standard Payroll Deductions LVNs working at the doctorââ¬â¢s office earn approximately 30K per year, while those who serve at surgical hospitals earn about 33K per year, those involved in home health care services earn about 35K per year, while those in the nursing care facilities are given about 35.5K, and last but not least, those who are in the employment services earn almost 42K per year (US.., 2006). Benefits include the following: 1) annual leave; 2) holidays; 3) retirement; 4) social security; 5) dental & medical plan; 6) long-term disability plan; 7) life insurance; 8) credit union; 9) deferred compensation; 10) bilingual pay; 11) night shift differential; 12) etc (US.., 2006). Standard payroll deductions include: taxes, social security, etc (US.., 2006). Job Outlook for the Future Projected Employment in CALIFORNIA It is said that the job outlook in California is superior and there will be an increase in the employment rate because of the fact that the number of population for the elderly continuous to increase (Licensed.., 2007). Preparing for an Interview I will prepare myself for an interview by making sure to keep the following in mind: 1) know more about the health care institution where I am applying at to add to my credibility; 2) dress up professionally and presentably; 3) practice answering typical interview questions; 4) find people who will serve as my references that will surely sell me to potential employers; 5) bring my resume, driverââ¬â¢s license, social security and other pertinent documents; 6) sell myself by proudly and confidently stating my strengths, abilities, etc; and 7) say thank you to the person who provided me with the opportunity to be interviewed (Ten.., 2007). References Licensed Vocational Nurse California. (2007). Retrieved April 17, 2007 from http://education-portal.com/licensed_vocational_nurse_california.html Ten Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview. Retrieved April 17, 2007 from http://www.allbusiness.com/human-resources/careers-job-interview/11120-2.html US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2006). Licensed Vocational Nurses. Retrieved April 17, 2007 from http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos102.htm
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Definition and Examples of Hypocoristic Names
Definition and Examples of Hypocoristic Names A hypocorism is aà pet name, nickname,à or term of endearment - often a shortened form of a word or name. Adjective: hypocoristic. It derives from the Greek word meaning to use child-talk. Robert Kennedy notes that many hypocorisms are ââ¬â¹monosyllabic or disyllabic, with the second syllable bearing no stress (The Oxford Handbook of the Word, 2015). Examples and Observations Mikey, Mikey, come on. Our parents are worried. Its dinnertime. Why dont we go home?(Chunk to his friend Michael Mikey Walsh in The Goonies, 1985)Oh, Slothy. I may have been bad. I may have kept you chained up in that room, but it was for your own good.(Mama Fratelli to her son Lotney Sloth Fratelli in The Goonies, 1985)If you call your granddaughter Toots, you are being hypocoristic.(Roy Blount, Jr., Alphabet Juice. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008)Now, children, I want you to tell me your names again, and I want you to speak just as distinctly as Mary Chapman did. And I want you to speak your real names. You must not say your baby-names, such as Jimmie, for James; Lizzie, for Elizabeth; Johnny, for John. The first row, stand!(Teacher in The National Music Teacher by Luther Whiting Mason, 1894)Born a slave on March 15, 1843, on the Gray plantation in Noxubee County, Mississippi, the infant was given a slave name, Richard Gray. Around the plantation, though, the overseers called him D ick, short for Richard.(Juan Williams and Quinton Dixie, This Far by Faith: Stories from the African American Religious Experience. William Morrow, 2003) Kitsy, she encourages, like shes trying to teach a parakeet to ask for a cracker. Its short for Katherine Isabelle. My grandmother is Itsy, short for Isabelle, my mother is Bitsy, short for Elizabeth Isabelle, and my daughter is Mitsy, short for Madeleine Isabelle. Isnt that just adorable?(Wade Rouse, Confessions of a Prep School Mommy Handler: A Memoir. Harmony Books, 2007) Hypocoristic Forms of First Names in the Modern English Period Most first names of any currency had recognized hypocoristic forms. Some names attracted only one or two main forms; others had several; and there was scope for a fair degree of free inventiveness. In the first category, and all dating from the 17th and 18th centuries, were: Di (Diana); Frank and Fanny (Frances); Jim (James); Joe (Joseph); Nell (Helen); and Tony (Anthony). Other names attracted a larger number of hypocoristic forms, mainly because they were commoner names . . .. Examples are Aggie, Nessa, Nesta (Scots) and Nest (Welsh) for Agnes; Doll, Dora, Dodee, Dot and Dolly (modern) for Dorothy or Dorothea; Mey, Peg, Maggie (Scots), Margery, Maisie, May and Madge for Margaret; and above all the many names deriving from Elizabeth. These include Bess, Bessie, Beth, Betsy, Eliza, Elsie, Lisa (modern), Lizbeth, Lizbie, Tetty, and Tissy. It will be noted that all of these are girls names, and they seem to have been far more prone to hypocoristic formations in the post-medieval period than boys names. Some hypocoristic forms became independent names, like Elsie, Fanny and Margery. (Stephen Wilson, The Means of Naming: A Social and Cultural History of Personal Naming in Western Europe. UCL Press, 1998) Hypocoristics in Australian English The use of hypocoristics for common nouns and proper nouns is a notable feature of the speech of many Australians. Occasionally there are pairs. Sometimes one form, usually an /i/ form, is seen as babytalk: [Roswitha] Dabke (1976) notes goody/goodoh, kiddy/kiddo, and compare jarmies-PJs/pyjamas, and kanga (babytalk)-roo/kangaroo. However, sometimes different hypocoristics have different denotations, with the /o/ form more likely to denote a person: herp reptile, herpo herpetologist; chockie chocolate, chocko chocolate soldier (Army reserve); sickie sick leave, sicko psychologically sick person; plazzo plastic nappy, plakky plastic (adjective). But often there are no clear differences: milky-milko/milkman, commy-commo/communist, weirdy-weirdo/weird person, garbie-garbo/garbage collector, kindie-kinder/kindergarten; bottlie-bottlo/bottle merchant, sammie-sandie-sangie-sanger-sambo/sandwich, preggie-preggo-preggers/pregnant, Proddo-Proddy/Protestant, pro-prozzo-prostie-prozzie/prostitute. Speakers who use more than one hypocoristic may assign to them the meanings proposed by [Anna] Wierzbicka. But if a speaker uses only one of the possible hypocoristics, for them the hypocoristic may have a general meaning of informality, and not the proposed fine-grained differences. This remains to be explored. (Jane Simpson, Hypocoristics in Australian English. A Handbook of Varieties of English: A Multimedia Reference Tool, ed. by Bernd Kortmann et al. Mouton de Gruyter, 2004)
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Look at the Hiring Procedure Used By the Police
A Look at the Hiring Procedure Used By the Police Police officers come from all walks of life, yet it takes a lot to recruit someone into becoming a police officer. Often, there are many methods, challenges, and problems that arise during recruitment. Throughout the journey, there is a strict screening process, a lot of physical training, and even some politics that many people just arenââ¬â¢t ready to handle. What happens during recruitment? Letââ¬â¢s start with the methods of the recruitment process. Essentially, thousands of people apply to be police officers, but not all make it to the final round ââ¬â which is actually wearing the uniform. People choose to be police officers in order to help people, fight crime, for job security, and several other reasons, according to Lesson 2. Now, when someone decides to become a police officer, they have to go through the hurdle process. This allows the police force to scan candidates and find the strongest and most fit for the job at hand. Lesson 2 explains that it includes several tests, such as a general knowledge test, physical agility test, oral interviews, psychological assessments, a background investigation, a polygraph, and a full medical exam. Not everyone can pass each of those tests. However, if someone does pass all of those tests, they may think that they immediately have the job. This is not the case, and leads to some of the problems and challenges with the recruitment of police officers. One of the biggest problems in todayââ¬â¢s society is obesity. This is not only a problem in the United States, but stretches into the job market when looking for new police recruits as well. This, along with, ââ¬Å"major debt, drug use, and criminal records,â⬠says Kenneth J. Peak, the author of Policing America: Challenges and Best Practices. This becomes a huge issue as thousands of applicants may apply, only few end up passing all of the requirements, leaving whichever agency in need of more recruits. Another issue has to do with the recruitsââ¬â¢ privacy, as during the background check they are asked for all of their passwords to social media sites. Some people refuse this part of the process and, in turn, background investigators lose potential candidates. Along the same lines, salary has a lot to do with less of an interest from recruits. Accord to Peak, ââ¬Å"the entry-level average salary of police officers in smaller jurisdictions averages about $26,000, and $4 9,500 in the largest jurisdictions.â⬠Some feel that this is not enough to be putting their life on the line everyday, yet budget cuts and the competitive job market make it so. Lastly, and probably one of the biggest issues surround the recruitment and policing field, is minority and gender bias. Gender bias, in regards to men being hired over women and being promoted over women, even though said woman may have higher or better qualification for that job. It also refers to the sexual harassment that is seen in the workplace. Peak says, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦sexual harassment concerns prevent many women from applying and cause many female officers to leave and quickly: about 60% of female officers who leave their agency do so during their second to fifth years on the job.â⬠At the same time, minorities are being treated the same way. Some, with lower pay, lower rate of being hired, and harassment. In order to combat this, however, the recruitment teams have taken special steps to make sure they hire underrepresented groups and expand their hiring pools. From the start of the hiring process to the end of a twenty-year career in the police force, someone is always going to remember his or her recruitment process. Many methods are in place to make sure the recruitment process goes as smoothly as possible. There are always going to be challenges and problems that people face, whether it has to do with fiscal budgets or hiring new employees, but the police force will always be there to protect and serve.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Endangered Species Reseach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Endangered Species Reseach - Research Paper Example Human processes such as clearing of forests, poaching, human settlement, building of infrastructure and agricultural expansion have destroyed natural habitats for plants and animals. Destroying natural habitats leads to the extinction of certain species of both plant and animal families (Pimentel, Westra, and Reed). Destroying natural habitats leads to the threat of more plant and animal species to be at risk of further extinction. This paper shall focus its argument on extinction of tigers caused by human processes, which threaten to endanger this species of the animal family. The paper shall discuss the need for human beings to act against extinction crisis facing the world. Human beings are the primary cause of the current mass extinction of species facing planet earth. Scientists predict that if current trends are to carry on, half of all species may become extinct in less than 100 years. Activities such as habitat destruction, climate change and pollution are significantly contr ibuting to this mass extinction. Only a few of the global population are aware of the current mass extinction. This poses a substantial problem to the raising of awareness of mass extinction. Tigers are among the most endangered species in the globe today. There were eight subspecies of tigers known in the world of which three have already become extinct. Tigers live in densely covered grasslands. This assists with their camouflage for prey. Three subspecies of tigers have become extinct: Bali tiger, Caspian tiger and Javan tiger (Burke 22). The remaining subspecies of tiger continue facing endangerment due to actions of human beings. From approximated 10,000 tigers in the world in 1900, tiger population has dropped to an estimated 4000-5000 in the globe. The ever increasing human population and industrial growth lead to competition for land and food between human beings and tigers. Due to the increasing population, human beings become forced to clear land for settlement and in turn destroy the natural habitat for tigers. Due to human encroachment and clearing of natural habitats, tigers become endangered since they become homeless (Burke 23). They get forced to wander into unfavorable habitats, which are not conducive for their survival. Human beings need to practice natural living. This ensures that habitats for plants and animals do not get destroyed to ensure the continued existence of different species (Thoreau 51). The existence of different species within a habitat promotes biodiversity and promotes natural beauty of the environment. It enhances the natural balance between ecosystems promoting healthier lives between living organisms in the ecosystem. Global climate change has contributed to species endangerment and extinction. Climate change has led to destroyed habitats for animal and plant species. Climate change has largely been caused by environmental pollution. Industrial revolution by human beings has largely contributed to environmental pollutio n. Carbon dioxide released by industries into the air contributes to climate change. Climate change affects weather patterns, and this affects habitat growth (Zebrowski 106). Grasslands and forests are prime habitats for plant and animal species. When the natural habitats for species become destroyed, species become homeless and are at risk of getting killed as human encroachment also proceeds. There is the need for habitat protection and creation of reserves
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